Tuesday, 21 January 2014

PADA: "Prahlad wants to destroy the entire Krishna religion!"

Timothy Lie

Tim Lee / PADA / krishna1008 January 20, 2014:
[Thanks **** prabhu, Thats fine, my point is, before we side with people like Prahlad, we have to look at his Illuminati and other bogus links he is posting..]

Prahlad Das: What "Illuminati' and other bogus links"? Tim blocked me on FaceBook months ago, so he cannot even see what I am posting.

[..his association with GBC clones like Bhakta das..]

Prahlad Das: I have NO association with Bhakta Das: http://padaproblems.blogspot.in/2014/01/bhakta-dasa-missing-link.html


Prahlad Das: Who is "etc."?

[..and the fact Prahlad wants to destroy the entire Krishna religion by siding with people who say the religion teaches it should kill and chop up child molesting victims. And they sent that odious material to the Dallas courts and New York Times -- to attempt to legally prove that this is what Krishna teaches, and they wanted to prove that legally in Dallas courts. They publicly want to advertise the Krishna religion as a child chopping program, and legally prove that by sending that idea to the Dallas Courts / New York Times etc., they want to destroy the entire religion in public. Fortunately, even karmis know that Krishna does not teach that He wants to have to molested children killed and chopped up, but that is what they want to have promoted in Krishna's name, legally and in court, and in the New York Times etc. They want to legally prove this is a child chopper cult, and they are angry that this did not happen, their plan to destroy the religion by painting as a child murdering cult has not worked, so they are angry. Even Windle Turley, as much as he does not understand things, even he knows Krishna does not teach chopping up children like these guys are teaching in public, New York Times, in court etc..]

Prahlad Das: Complete nonsense. There was NEVER even any "child-chopping" letter to begin with!: http://padaproblems.blogspot.in/2014/01/conversation-about-iskcon-children.html

[..We have to look at the fact Prahlad is living in Vrndavana and complains he is alone and without association..]

Prahlad Das: Is it now a sin to choose to live alone in Vrindavan for some time? I am not complaining. In fact i consider myself very fortunate to have such an opportunity.

[..He cannot do anything except try to take down the ritviks and destroy their preaching. The riviks will have faults, agreed, but before we take them down, we might look at what happens if that is done, then we will have people wandering around with no association, no temples, no programs, no nothing, like Prahlad..]

Prahlad Das: How am I trying to "take down the ritviks and destroy their preaching"?.. Oh, I'm not. That is your job.

[..Right now Bangalore has some books distribution with brahmacharis, just like we had in the old days. They are printing and distributing original books and etc., they are preaching, they are making devotees, and if we assist in taking them down, then we will be another version of Prahlad, we will have nothing. And if that program fails Prahlad would be happy. That is my point. I am not defending anyone's faults, I am saying that if all we do is point to other's faults all the time, then we will have nothing, as Prahlad does..]

Prahlad Das: All Tim Lee has done for the last 30 years is point out other's faults. And if he cannot find any faults he just makes them up!: http://padaproblems.blogspot.in/2014/01/unproven-crazy-accusations-by-tim-lee.html

[..In sum, he should not be our leader or example of how to do things..]

Prahlad Das: I have no desire to become anyone's leader. I am just trying to follow Prabhupada's example of how to do things and encouraging other Prabhupadanugas to do the same. Deviating from Prabhupada's instructions will be the cause of downfall for the Prabhupadanuga 'ritviks'.

[..Bangalore branch temple here has never had any rock and roll music, its not their main emphasis, this whole issue has been overblown by a person who wants to take the whole thing down. He sifts through tons of material to find one fault and he goes ballistic on that, to take us all down, he is not a person we should be promoting, that's my point. ys pd]

Prahlad Das: Who is promoting me? I am not trying to "take the whole thing down". I am just concerned about a few deviations from Srila Prabhupada's instructions that are taking place in Bangalore, as in the rest of ISKCON: http://padaproblems.blogspot.in/2014/01/strong-preaching-was-essence.html


  1. I sent the above article to Tim Lee. This is his reply:

    krishna1008 January 20, 2014 at 6:23 PM

    [Thanks Prahlad but there is not much more I can say here. When I said the children are dying, your pals Sanat and Mukunda essentially started stomping their jack boots in time, "Great news, the children are dying, that's what we want, we want em to all die in a bloodbath."

    And you are with them still today.

    Your program wants children to die, and even normal karmi society, anyone who wants children to die is considered as a Satanic demon, a servant of the serpent people. I saved at least some children from your blood bath. And you hate seeing me helping children from your children aggressor program because, you are sick.

    No one else on the planet wants dead children, bloodbath of children etc., because even the normal karmi people, they just do not want that because they have some qualities like mercy and compassion. You are not even human beings, never mind not devotees.

    I really have nothing much further to say to your child bloodbath and chopper clan, its so sick, even the karmis are gagging at how disgusting you are. They have a much higher standard than you.

    Never mind karmis, even dogs do not think about killing and chopping up puppies, you are not even as advanced as a street dog. Anyway I am glad all this has come out, we wanted people to know that even a dog has much more quality of mercy and compassion than you fake devotees. You have a long way to even get to the platform of dog consciousness, the dogs never even dream of killing and chopping up puppies, they are way more advanced than that. I am glad we exposed all this over the years, because at least some people can see, not all of us want children to die, there are at least a few Krishnas who have some mercy for children.

    That is what the CBS TV news told me, "Thank God we met you, we thought all of you were fools who support evil programs, at least we met one of you who has some qualities we'd expect in a devotee of God." At the same time I do thank you for all these exchanges, this has been a great story and its at the top of my list of current stories for a few days now, its got lots of interest. However, since you are de facto agreeing you have less mercy than a dog, and you are with the people who want to see dead children, I see nothing further than can be done, I do not agree with you that you have the authority to act as God of death and orchestrate dead children. You are not Yamaraja, in fact you are not authorized to orchestrate the death of a fly. You further admit that you are authorized to oppose anyone who saves children from death, right, you want dead children, that is what we thought you were saying all along. ys pd]

  2. Janardana Das: "Tim Lee has serious mental disorders. If this was a vedic society, he would be sleeping with the dogs at night... not assoicated with the Prabhupadanugas in any way shape or form. It is to our utter bewilderment that he has ANY support base WHATSOEVER that is associated with real Prabhuadanugas. Srila Prabhupada's good name, as well as the good name's of his servents, should be of a higher standard than what Tim Lee provides through his "seva" for Prabhupada."

  3. he has flunkies like Vadiraj (william ACSBP) who think Tim Lee is a hero. He thinks Tim Lee is such a hero that even when Vadi heard that Tim Lee was protecting and defending Tattva Darshan, Vadi couldn't care less, that is his hero. Ever bad thing Vadi said was negated because Tim Lee, Yasoda, Damagosh and Vadi are all buddies, so Vadi has to stick up for Tim Lee and Tattva Darshana. Tim Lee couldn't care less for children. He didn't care about his own children, couldn't raise them, so he doesn't care about his own children or the children in danger at Tattva's school. If Tim Lee really cared about children, he would stand up to YAsoda and Tattva, but he doesn't Yasoda, TAttva and Madhu Pandit fill his rice bowl.
