Wednesday, 15 January 2014

YOU ARE WITH 'THEM'! WHO IS 'THEM'? with Krishna Kirtan & Tim Lee

FaceBook Conversation with Krishna Kirtan & Tim Lee

Krishna Kirtan: I can deal with coherence and being civilized. Even Ravana was somewhat civilized. But you do not afford even a civilized conversation.

Tim Lee: OK, dead children, yep, you have no idea what that is because you have no heart. Dead children, you are for that, and you are civilized? You are for the child killers, and you are civilized? You have to be koking, really, you want dead children and this is civlized.

Krishna Kirtan: you have lost your mind.

Tim Lee: No, you are for the child killers, you just said so, you just said svaing them was bad. No I am repeating you?

Krishna Kirtan: and you're upset. There is no dialog with someone who is upset.

Tim Lee: You said that you wanted the children to die, and you are not upset? Because you are for the children killers.

Krishna Kirtan: hahahah. So I'm a child killer now.

Tim Lee: Yes, you said that the lawsuit that slowed the suicides was bad, and now you are laughing, you are laughing at dead people? Yes, you are for that agenda, you just admitted that.

Krishna Kirtan: The lawsuit's purpose was to further destroy Srila Prabhupada's movement. If it had been for a good purpose, sure.

Tim Lee: Anyway, so when children are molested and they are commiting suicides, you want the suicides and no help, you are with that agenda. Well its almost stopped the suicides, you say suicide is a good purpose? Are you nuts, suicided are a good purpose?

Krishna Kirtan: How are you working to put the perpetrators behind bars? Oh no, instead let's drum up a lawsuit and put the entire society into debt, on the back of ALL devotees, most who had nothing to do with any abuse.

Tim Lee: So you wanted more suicides, how does that help the world? You want dead children, that is your plan to fix things?

Krishna Kirtan: You did not answer my argument. What's the use of a lawsuit if the perpetrators are still running things? Tell me.

Tim Lee: The society would have been in the news as a suicide cult, that was your plan?

Krishna Kirtan: Well, it sure was in the news.

Tim Lee: The newspapers would have eventually figured out there was a huge suicde wave here. That would have destroyed the society anyway.

Krishna Kirtan: With none other than your jewish friend Jagadish putting all the blame on Srila Prabhupada.

Tim Lee: MY plan at least curbed the suicides, so it also saved lives.

Krishna Kirtan: Who so hypocriticaly was the very minister of education of ISKCON during the abuse.

Tim Lee: Jaggadish was trying to get me killed, how is he my friend?

Krishna Kirtan: Your so called plan was meant to fail, and it did. Although it backfired.

Tim Lee: Nothing back fired, I wanted to slow the suicides and it worked.

Krishna Kirtan: You just leave me alone, and go on with your work.

Tim Lee: You need mental help, you say the people who wanted to kill me are my friends.

Krishna Kirtan: I simply want to read the lotus words from Srila Prabhupada's books. That is my only solace.

Tim Lee: You said our saving the children was bad, you wanted them to die, you are sikc.

Krishna Kirtan: Go away. I heard enough of you.

Tim Lee: Yes, well i am glad to know you wnat chidlren to die. Very nice guy you are there.

Krishna Kirtan: Remember I'm one of those kids.

Tim Lee: And you wanted your friends to die, you are sick.

Krishna Kirtan: Maybe, and you are an idiot.

Tim Lee: Jvalamukhi said the lawsuit helped them from suicides and you wanted the suicides. She said the lawsuit helped her from suicide, you wanted her to die.

Krishna Kirtan: whatever. bye.

Tim Lee: You want your friends to die, nice frien you are. Yes, dead children are whatever for you.

Krishna Kirtan: One more comment from you on my wall and I will expose you, you rascal. Leave me alone.

Tim Lee: You do not care about your friends dying, you are sick. Go expose, me I will expose you as a person who wants dead children.

Tim Lee: yep. Dead children lover, bye bye, I will get nothing, you are a sick person, I have seen thousands of you all along, you wanted dead children, you are sick.

Krishna Kirtan: harer nama evakevalam! The interesting thing, is that all of your verbal abuse does nothing to affect me. I only grow stronger. Really.

Tim Lee: Yes, you people who love child killers are very strong, you are only worried about money, that means you are the king of the Jews.

Krishna Kirtan: I want fighting with no one. I want only peace. So please, you specially, do not come into my life, on my facebook, or anywhere near me. I want nothing to do with you and your pathetic works.

Tim Lee: You and your Jew pals said, of dead children is fine, we are worried about money, you are a Jew ytourself.


Mathias Sabji: Heavy !

Now you are also a child killer or chopper ?

This is really too much. I thing Puranjana Prabhu needs help.

Some of the senior Vaisnavas must speak with him.

He has has done many nice and heroic service to Prabhupada... It is a fact ! And we should not forget it! But now he needs our help .....

Now I think because his mind is too much and too deep in such negative topics , this has infected his mind due to the resonance law. Therefore he need little help now.

When we want become real Vaisnavas then we must handle this situation like a gentlemen!Prabhupada said that a Vaisnava is always , in all circumstances a Gentlemen!

But yes ! When a Vaisnava is offended by other Devotees or by non devotees we should become very angry ......

I think a mix of this both instruction is needed now ...... To be angry because of this Vaisnava aparadha (child killer bla bla ) and in same time be a gentlemen and let us help Puranjana Prabhu also.

He is still a real Prabhupadanuga and he need some help now brothers and sisters!

When some of us have nice relationship of some of Puranjana Prabhus elder First generation Prabhupada disciples , then he or she can bring this issue to this Senior Vaisnava because otherwise such Vaisnava aparadha destroys our brother Puranjana Prabhu ! Therefore he need held immediately !


Narada-kunda Dasi: "mathias prabhu, we have been waiting for a long time for some senior intervention. finally it came a couple of days ago, but only to protect tim as "their man" so he can continue doing what he does... and what he is doing is exactly what someone out to destroy prabhupada's movement would be doing. it can only be done from the inside, as prabhupada told us... i know it is hard for an honest person to think that someone else may not be honest, but we have to consider things impartially, in the light of prabhupada's teachings. if someone is acting as an enemy, and showing bad qualities, what is there to make him a devotee? only his initiated name (which he does not even use)? or his past exposure of iskcon? the motive with which one acts is the essential factor."


Nara Narayan Dasa Vishwakarma:
"He is actually not a Prabhupadanuga, but a person very envious of SP who has fooled many sincere devotees of the last few decades, and he "wallows" in his perception of having fooled the innocent. H
e never apologized to SP in 1975, but raged out the door without even offering obeisances to SP! Fortunately, real Prabhupadanugas are not all like that!"

"I agree with Mathias Sabji when he says that "all Vaishnavas, when sick need help from senior devotees who speak as gentlemen. Krishna Kirtan prabhu, did NOT react (mostly). He countered Tim's insanity with neutrality and reason.
Without Krishna Kirtan openly rejecting him and openly disagreeing with him Tim almost became timid, and put his "insane repetitions" of vulgarity one line at a time, but he could not restrain himself, and at the end of the dialogue, began to "heap" up his psychotic rantings. I am prepared to offer conditional friendship to Tim in exchange for Tim making whatever points he wants using quotes from SP as his genuine Authority.
Has anyone ever asked Tim to only quote SP, and not make up this crazy stuff"
In any event, it is best to remove him from the Internet (however possible). At this point Tim serves no one....least of all himself!"

"Windle-Turley attacked prabhupada as running a "RICO" racket (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations), and made Him the "bad guy"....Tim Lee gave a short testimony which supported the lawsuit. Gupta was the lawyer for Iskcon who worked very hard to reduce the amount of money that the Abuse victims would receive. He pared it down to about $6,000.00 each!

As far as I know, the Lawsuit did not halt the suicides, or even slow them down. As far as I know there were not more than a half dozen suicides. My daughter Shakuntala would know.
There have been a total of 14 suicides from the gurukula, and that is a lot...But the lawsuit did not slow or stop the suicides. I knew of two suicides that occurred years after the Court Settlement. No one mentioned Tim Lee's name, nor was he involved in the slightest.
Tim Lee refers to Krishna Kirtan as the "King of the Jews".....a title normally reserved for Jesus Christ!l Tim Lee and Yasodanandana were both raised Catholics, and both of them were molested by Catholic priests. But this was long before the Catholic Church Scandals swept the Globe. Mathias Sabji has made some very good points about the need to "help" Tim Lee.....but HOW?"

"I, along with Mathias Sabji prabhu would like to rescue Tim Lee and see him blissfully engaged in high level Katha regarding SP and the Future of SP's Movement, ISKCON guided now by our ever expanding Prabhupadanuga movement. This is all I could hope for in this lifetime.
Nonetheless, if a "crazy" person endangers others, he cannot be ignored, and I think that the mildest self-defense is to join strongly and with great intent with others, who have seen exactly HOW dangerous Tim Lee is to the future of Srila Prabhupada's movement. What he does simply cannot be allowed to continue to go on.
Tim Lee has posted this sort of offensive garbage against the DOM and me personally for at least 28 years, and no one could see that this was wrong and that Tim Lee should be removed from any place that he can sow hatred and disharmony to so many victims. My only reason for posting as I have above, is that I have very close connection with all of the topics that Tim Lee brought out above."


Bhakti Ananda Goswami II:
"From such exchanges it is apparent that Tim is seriously mentally ill. No one should take offense to what he says, but everyone should try cooperatively to do something about the mad-elephant injury that his ranting and raving is causing to other Devotees and the damage that it is doing collectively to Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai's and Srila Prabhupada's Hari Nama Sankirtan Mission.

We have seen how many persons have IN WRITING been called things like "child choppers" and "child rape" party members. We have seen so many innocent Devotees accused of involvement, even as accessories after the fact, in the crimes of murders, child rapings, beatings and even poisoning Srila Prabhupada. These false accusations have been in print, which makes them libel."

"I have been a victim of Tim & Company's libel and threats for years, but because He / they have hurt many good Devotees that I venerate as saintly, Devotees that I love, who are still 'in' ISKCON, and others who are not. I have had to fear for my family's safety. Tim's libelous ranting has inspired DEADLY fanaticism around the world. I have received SCORES of death threats in the mail filled with the same insane accusations that he has screamed from the rooftops.

I do not want the innocent Devotees among the Prabhupadanugas, the Ritviks or other ISKCON-related camps to be libeled by Tim any longer. He is not trying to do anything but promote himself and doesn't care who he USES to do it. He is what some of my grand children would call a emo "drama king" who emotionally lives on the drama that he creates by constantly agitating the minds and hearts of others. He appropriates and uses whatever he wants from others with no conscience at all. He lies when he cannot find any real dirt on someone."


Nara Narayan Dasa Vishwakarma:
"It is our clear duty to stop Tim Lee, and to create a system around SP that prevents any crazy person from going so far as he has. Tim Lee is delusional, and such people CANNOT be allowed to disturb the activities of those sincere souls who want to serve SP authentically.
In 1974, Bali Mardan gave up his Sannyas order to marry Taitreyi who was supposed to be the heiress to the Toyota Zaibatzu fortune. After they were married, Taitreyi was caught offering Chinese chicken egg rolls to Radha and Krishna. No one dared to intervene, because Bali Mardan was their "authority". When SP found out about this He was furious! He said, "any ordinary member of the temple should have stopped this practice". So by that example, He gave us the clear instruction to TAKE IT UPON OURSELVES to solve these ordinary problems as self evident. For Tim Lee to rant and lie and slander for twenty five years is NOT HIS FAULT... IT IS OURS!"

1 comment:

  1. LIBEL 1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander which is oral defamation. It is a tort (civil wrong) making the person or entity (like a newspaper, magazine or political organization) open to a lawsuit for damages by the person who can prove the statement about him/her was a lie. Publication need only be to one person, but it must be a statement which claims to be fact, and is not clearly identified as an opinion. While it is sometimes said that the person making the libelous statement must have been intentional and malicious, actually it need only be obvious that the statement would do harm and is untrue. Proof of malice, however, does allow a party defamed to sue for "general damages" for damage to reputation, while an inadvertent libel limits the damages to actual harm (such as loss of business) called "special damages." "Libel per se" involves statements so vicious that malice is assumed and does not require a proof of intent to get an award of general damages. Libel against the reputation of a person who has died will allow surviving members of the family to bring an action for damages. Most states provide for a party defamed by a periodical to demand a published retraction. If the correction is made, then there is no right to file a lawsuit. Governmental bodies are supposedly immune for actions for libel on the basis that there could be no intent by a non-personal entity, and further, public records are exempt from claims of libel. However, there is at least one known case in which there was a financial settlement as well as a published correction when a state government newsletter incorrectly stated that a dentist had been disciplined for illegal conduct. The rules covering libel against a "public figure" (particularly a political or governmental person) are special, based on U. S. Supreme Court decisions. The key is that to uphold the right to express opinions or fair comment on public figures, the libel must be malicious to constitute grounds for a lawsuit for damages. Minor errors in reporting are not libel, such as saying Mrs. Jones was 55 when she was only 48, or getting an address or title incorrect. 2) v. to broadcast or publish a written defamatory statement. (See: defamation, slander, libel per se, public figure)
