It seems ironic that just when so many persons are trying to move out of the past era of GBC untruth and onto the path of truth by joining the IRM, Puranjana is moving in the opposite direction as he progressively degenerates into a vicious circle of lies and more lies. We may have all lied and cheated in the past whilst we were in the illusion of the GBC's bogus program, but Puranjana is doing it NOW in the name of Prabhupada and reform, and he claims to never have been in illusion.
Puranjana does deserve credit for having over the years made many valid criticisms of the GBC and its deviant philosophies. He sees, quite rightly, the current guru system as bogus. However if we claim to want to reform ISKCON, yet indulge in the same type of lying, distortion and egotism we accuse the GBC of, then how will we actually succeed in our efforts, or indeed improve anything (even if we did succeed in our efforts)? It will simply be a case of the 'same wine, in a new bottle'. He needs to consider that the rapid success of the IRM has indeed been due to this attempt to adhere to the evidence and truth in all circumstances, even when it may not appear to benefit us in the short-term. Ultimately it will be truth that will power us to victory, not any short-term expedient measures. We hope this article will inspire Puranjana to look deeper within himself and work on self-reform, and edit the anarthas that he sees so clearly in the GBC, out of his own life. In doing so he will be much more effective in his campaign, and a valuable asset rather than just another variation of the GBC lying machine. Puranjana clearly wants to see the current Guru system dismantled. The IRM is dedicated to doing just this, and is currently engaged in a legal battle, as well as many other measures, to bring about the necessary changes. We hope Puranjana will be able to assist this battle once he has been able to suitably re-orientate himself back towards the path of truth.
In conclusion we wish to state that we have no desire to enter into any more discussions on this issue. We will let the matter rest here and get back to our real work of re-instating Srila Prabhupada's orders. It should be very clear to everyone by now where the IRM stands and where PADA stands. We are not concerned with whatever new fabrications that Puranjana may try and 'hit back' with. He has been caught well and truly here with his hands in the cookie jar, and exposed as lying, and no amount of further mud-slinging at the IRM will ever change that. We hope his well-wishers will urge him to see sense and give up such attacks. Even in Kali-Yuga it is said that the 'last leg of religion' - 'truthfulness' - is still standing. It seems ironic that vaisnavas are unable to maintain even this minimum level of religiosity.
Satyam ki vijayate!
Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada, IRM
That was the year 2000, it's now 2018 and Tim is if anything probably worse than ever.