Below are just a few statements 'PADA' has made in his increasingly desperate attempts to create a 'guilty-by-association' link between Bhakta Dasa and myself & other Prabhupadanugas:
"Prahlad is now licking the jack boots of Bhakta and Radhanath, he is licking the jack boots of the leaders of the molester messiahs program"
"On their web site the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Janardana / Bhakta das team attacks us profusely for our program of cutting off the supply line of children going to the ISKCON Auschwitz / molestation program"
"Why is Prahlad kissing the ground where the defenders of the molester messiahs program walk, ok like Bhakta das? Why is Prahlad always kissing the jackboots of the molester messiah program supporters? Now we know why, because he wants to have the devotees of Srila Prabhupada killed so the molester pooja agenda will prevail"
"Bhakta das has also expressed his support for Radhanath, and now the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahald / Pancali team are glorifying the Bhakta das program"
"Bhakta das is now being forwarded as a great speaker and authority not only by the GBC's guru groupies program, but also by the Prahlad / Sanat / Mukunda / Pancali team"
"They love the supporters of the child molester pooja program like Bhakta das, and they despise anyone who does not lick the boots of the pedophile messiahs program cheer leaders as their program is doing"
"Prahlad recruited Bhakta das to join his FB group, and then Prahlad has been promoting his group where Bhakta das then emerged as its loud mouth spokesman / co-recruiter / Prahlad's second in command henchman for their group"
"Prahlad admits he is promoting and working with Sanat, who is directly promoting GBC guru cheer leaders like Bhakta das."
"Prahlad is in bed with the cheer leaders of the people who are promoting a program of suing and shutting our children's food program down, namely the GBC gurus and their henchman Bhakta das"
"We caught Prahlad in a giant lie when he says he has no connections to Bhakta das. So Bhakta das is a well known cheer leader of the GBC gurus, and they are propping him up as their spokesman"
"They are now saying they are "big men" for promoting Bhakta das, the cheer leader of the molester messiahs program"
"They are working with Bhakta das to revive this bogus guru appointment, they are stuck way back in the past. The rest of us have all moved on since we exposed their lies a long time agoo"
"We caught the Prahlad team in bed with these folks having a whoop dee doo "lets stop the poison investigation" party, so we can save Judas and Pontius Pilate. So Prahlad has to start to answer these points if he wants any of this settled."
Anyway, you get the idea. I could post 100's more examples, taken from dozens of articles published by 'PADA' on his krishna1008 blog over the last 6 months where he states that myself, Janardan, Pancali & others are promoters/supporters/cheer-leaders/disciples/jackboot-lickers, etc of Bhakta Dasa. I have repeatedly told him that we DO NOT support Bhakta Das in any way, NEVER have, and NEVER will, but Tim takes no notice and just continues to write lie after lie feverishly trying to create a link where there just isn't one. I didn't even know who Bhakta Dasa was until Timmy Liar started writing that I was his #1 supporter!
~ Prahlad Das ~
UPDATE December 2015:
Tim is still writing on his blog on an almost weekly basis that myself, HKC Jaipur and other Prabhupadanugas support Kali-chelas such as Bhakta Das, Hari Sauri and Radhanath. It was nothing but LIES when i wrote the above 2 years ago and it is still LIES now. Tim Lee is simply trying to demonise REAL PRABHUPADANUGAS to make himself 'king of the ritvik hill'. (If you want to control the opposition, the best way is to lead it). Devotees such as Mahesh Raja actually believe the nonsense that Tim writes. I say one more time. It is all the LIES of Tim Lee. Hare Krishna.
UPDATE March 2018:
Four years later and Tim Lee is still regularly writing lies on his blog trying to link myself & HKC Jaipur to Bhakta Das!
<PADA: ..And
we have had similar problems with "reformer" people like Sanat /
Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur etc. They claim they have a
"new fix" for the problems of ISKCON, and their fix is, as they sent me
links to repeatedly -- everyone has to listen to Bhakta das, a giant
cheer leader of the Gaudiya Matha's gurus, the GBC's gurus, and folks
like Radhanath and / or the burying of Kirtanananda in a samadhi
...Why would any actual Prabhupadanugas promote the Bhakta das program? Good question. We would say, no actual Prabhupadanuga would promote his program. Are these people trying to sneak in the GBC's guru agenda to hi-jack the ritviks process, or worse to attempt to make the Prabhupadanuga's program fail by their interfering with the ritviks? It appears to be the case? Good questions! Of course, you are probably right as well, we probably do not expect them to answer! Yep! Caught em with their hands in the cookie jar! ys pd>
...Why would any actual Prabhupadanugas promote the Bhakta das program? Good question. We would say, no actual Prabhupadanuga would promote his program. Are these people trying to sneak in the GBC's guru agenda to hi-jack the ritviks process, or worse to attempt to make the Prabhupadanuga's program fail by their interfering with the ritviks? It appears to be the case? Good questions! Of course, you are probably right as well, we probably do not expect them to answer! Yep! Caught em with their hands in the cookie jar! ys pd>
In the same atricle he is also still saying that i support the promotion of Hitler although the truth is actually the opposite. He has know this for years. He even copied all the Prabhupada quotes from my 2015 Hitler article for his recent Hitler article, but is still saying that i support Mukunda's Hitler promotion program!
See: Prabhupada - Hitler
Bhakta Peter: Yes, tims logic is no good, linking you to the worship of bhakta das. Why he doesnt give it a rest is beyond me. I would just ignore him, if i were you. Im not sure what hes trying to accomplish here, you live alone, are independent. Its not like 'bringing down Prahlad dasa" is gonna reform bogus iskcon or anything, its just ridiculousness. well anyways, i am glad you made that blog to clear things up, that is good.
ReplyDeleteNarada-kunda Dasi: Tim is targeting anyone who does not accept his propaganda as gospel truth. He tries to demonize them so other devotees will not wake up and starting thinking for themselves too. His supporters are also doing this job of thought-policing devotees.. just the opposite of what prabhupada instructed.