Tuesday, 14 January 2014

'Tim Lee's Outrageous Lie' by Pancali Devi Dasi

Tim Lee aka Puranjana das in a written court document stated that our beloved Srila Prabhupada knew of the gurukula abuse and covered it up. We all know if Prabhupada knew of such a thing those involved would of been kicked out of ISKCON within a moment. IT'S AN OUTRAGEOUS LIE!

Why would Tim Lee suggest such a thing? It is because Tim Lee is hell bent on destroying ISKCON as in fact he hates Srila Prabhupada. He hates Prabhupada as Prabhupada heavily chastised him in regards to his leading role in the gopi bhava club. Prabhupada was so angry with Tim Lee.
After Tim Lee was heavily chastised by Prabhupada within a moment Tim Lee failing to see Prabhupadas chastisement as His direct mercy stormed out of Prabhupadas room and blooped never making amends with Prabhupada. The last words spoken about Tim Lee by Prabhupada were "And you said he was sincere".

Since then Tim Lee has done nothing but spent many hours defaming Prabhupadas Transcendental Body ISKCON. He now sits on the internet day and night accusing others of all sorts of nonsense lies and has nothing substantial to add to anyone's spiritual life. Politely speaking, he is a raving lunatic.

His blasphemous prajalpa preaching harms the spiritual growth of new bhaktas and bhaktines  Many hundreds of devotees have requested Tim to change his ways, retract his lies, make peace with Prabhupada but his blasphemy only increases. Feed a snake milk and it increases their venom. Don't stand for this nonsense. (Pancali Devi Dasi)

Puranjana Supports Defamation of Srila Prabhupada:


1 comment:

  1. Janardana Das: "We are dealing with a personality that is unrepentant and entierly insincere. In as so much, that when he offended srila prabhupada with his gopi bhava club...prabhupada personally called him "insincere"...and tim lee just walked out of the movement...no apology to prabhupada whatsoever..no repentance... So perhaps this quarrel that he is instigating is his way of "getting back at prabhupada"...for calling him out...calling him insincere... To divide the real prabhupadanugas is tims kali sanga...tim lee was completely offended that prabhupada was upset with him and took it as a personal attack...(because tim lee can do no wrong in his own narcissistic mind) so today when a devotee disagrees with him...he takes it as a personal attack and begins his smear campaign. Just as he did with prabhupada...which is evident in the turley lawsuit...and is evident in his attitude towards those who sincerely love prabhupada.. He needs to be stopped."
