Tim's new "guru" Ravindra |
Anonymous December 20, 2013 at 9:43 AM
im glad u got off your ritvik high holy horse, and are supporting this ravindra swarupa disciples album. ravindra swarup ki jaya! all glories to all of the assembled devotees.
Ravindra is famous for his violent outbursts against women and attacks on Prabhupadanugas. Here he is in action 'ritvik-bashing' at a Rathayatra festival: http://youtu.be/yuVVHEl28-c
Ravindra is famous for his violent outbursts against women and attacks on Prabhupadanugas. Here he is in action 'ritvik-bashing' at a Rathayatra festival: http://youtu.be/yuVVHEl28-c
Of course it's a joke.
ReplyDeleteBut this is EXACTLY how PADA makes his tenuous 'guilty by association' links.
ie. PADA has a link to a music website of a Ravindra disciple on his blog, therefore PADA is a promoter/supporter/disciple/cheer-leader/jack-boot-licker of woman-beating GBC "guru" Ravindra and his pedophile messiahs program.