Wednesday, 15 January 2014

20 False Statements made by Tim Lee (PADA)

Below are 20 false statements (nonsense, malicious lies) out of 100's that Tim Lee has published on his krishna1008 blog just over the last few months. We are still waiting for him and his sidekick William Acbsp to provide any kind of evidence for these crazy accusations.

1: "Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad were promoting the worship of Satan as if it were the worship of Jesus"

2: "The only people who have been crying like lost little babies since 2002 over Tamal's departure are his top disciples and / or supporters like Sanat -- Prahlad -- Mukunda -- Janardan"

3: "The Prahlad team reports to us on a regular basis their being upset with Krishna for being such a violent person who killed their lord and master Tamal, because they miss licking the bottom of Tamal's shoes"

4: "Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Pancali / Nicklaus Evans want women to be beaten"

5: "Prahlad wants to take down the Prabhupadanugas, he is a GBC mole. What else?"

6: "Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad/ support Gaudiya Matha deviant acharyas program"

7: "Prahlad's real agenda is all along, he wants to have the Vaishnavas who do not worship homosexual pedophile guru programs assassinated!"

8: "On their web site the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Janardana / Bhakta das team attacks us profusely for our program of cutting off the supply line of children going to the ISKCON Auschwitz / molestation program"

9: "Prahlad is angry because we exposed the child molesting pooja and guru poisoning program, so he wants to have us killed (aka Monkey On A Stick) to punish us for exposing his REAL agenda"

10: "In fact some of the leaders of this child molester protecting and promoting group such as Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Pancali had a web site that said these children needed to be killed, chopped up and fed to dogs"

11: "Why is Prahlad kissing the ground where the defenders of the molester messiahs program walk, ok like Bhakta das? Why is Prahlad always kissing the jackboots of the molester messiah program supporters? Now we know why, because he wants to have the devotees of Srila Prabhupada killed so the molester pooja agenda will prevail"

12: "Sanat and Mukunda are totally upset that some children even lived. These children are in part their victims, since they were supporters of the bogus gurus when all this was going on"

13: "Prahlad told us we are offenders for not promoting his anti-semite neo-nazi web site. He is a jack booter."

14: "Prahlad actually supports the people who said we need to chop up these children, so he wants to dish out even worse karma to the victims of his program"

15: "Prahlad is now licking the jack boots of Bhakta and Radhanath, he is licking the jack boots of the leaders of the molester messiahs program"

16: "Bhakta das has also expressed his support for Radhanath, and now the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahald / Pancali team are glorifying the Bhakta das program"

17:"Bhakta das is now being forwarded as a great speaker and authority not only by the GBC's guru groupies program, but also by the Prahlad / Sanat / Mukunda / Pancali team"

18: "They love the supporters of the child molester pooja program like Bhakta das, and they despise anyone who does not lick the boots of the pedophile messiahs program cheer leaders as their program is doing"

19: "The Prahlad group attacks even children never mind others. And some of the children Prahlad attacked had to leave FB and close their page, because Prahald's campaign against these children was making them physically sick. He wants to drive out the people who want to glorify Prabhupada, while claiming to be a follower of Prabhupada"

20: "We have not heard anything from Prahlad so far"

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