Tuesday, 14 January 2014

'Conversation About ISKCON Children' Video (Tim Lee & Bhakta Peter)

Here are my inital comments about the 'CAIC' video which was recorded and posted yesterday on YouTube:


Tim Lee (PADA/krishna1008/Puranjana) has written many lies and accusations about me & other Prabhupadanugas for months/years on his blogs & websites, and on FB (hiding behind blocks). This 'video conference' was supposed to be an opportunity to respond to some of his lies & accusations and ask for evidence for any of them. Bhakta Peter had a list of questions for Tim but he did not even present any of them to Tim or ask him for proof of the 20 accusations i provided (even though the video starts with Tim saying "So, go ahead, fire away with the first question, i'm ready"). Peter just gives him more opportunities to speak the same, tired old nonsense about killing children, etc.


Tim's entire argument is totally worthless because it is based entirely on LIES about Sanat's "children need to be killed, chopped up & fed to dogs" letter & now "bloodbath of children in Dallas" (new lie!) letter. Tim says these letters are all over the place (in, NYT) but he has never show them in 15+ years, although many have asked him. (For the actual letter Sanat wrote see comment below*).

It was actually Tim Lee, Pratyatosa & Nori Muster who started the lawsuit in 1997. Tim admits this himself in Peter's previous video with him: http://youtu.be/mLWWcK5P94U

And it was these three (Tim Lee, Pratyatosa & Nori Muster) along with the GBC who covinced the then-adult, ex-gurukulis to put the blame on Prabhupada. This is the fact that Tim is so desperate to hide, so he is now saying that it was the children, their parents, Windle-Turley (and even Sanat & Mukunda) who were responsible for blaming Prabhupada. "They were also telling the children that this is what Prabhupada wants". Anyway, Tim Lee supported the lawsuit and made an official statement to the court stating that he did, so he was happy to blame Prabhupada. Here are some more lies Tim tells in the video:

Tim LIE: "Sanat was worshipping Satsvarupa"

<As far as I know, Sanat was initiated by Satsvarupa in the 1980's but totally rejected, and strongly exposed him after he seen Prabhupada's July 9th 'ritvik' order letter I late 1980's. There is video of Sanat burning Satsvarupa's 'Prabhupada-Lilamrita' online.>

Tim LIE: "Mukunda was worshipping Bhagavan"

<Mukunda has never worshiped Bhagavan or taken initiation from any bogus "guru". He took ritvik initiation from Kapindra Swami in early 1990s. By the way, I have never worked with Sanat ever, or even communicated with him and I am not working with Mukunda either since our Prabhupada bullock-cart chanting programs in Vrindavan in 2007-2009. I did not even know Mukunda at the time of the Turley Gurukuli-abuse lawsuit. Tim always links his perceived 'enemies' together as "they", "them", "folks", "team" or "group" and attributes his lies about one person to everyone. Neither Mukunda nor Sanat are involved in any active dispute with Tim for many years now, despite his lies to the contrary. They gave up on him as a hopeless case years ago. Anyway, on with a few more of Tim's LIES.>

Tim LIE: "In 1999 they were saying that these kids have to die"

<All these 'kids'/'children' were actually 30-something adults at the time of the lawsuit in 1999 and as i keep saying, NOBODY ever said that "they had to die, etc">

Tim LIE: "Prahlad keeps saying i'm lying. I haven't lied about anything"

<Tim has lied about EVERYTHING! I presented 20 (of 100's) of Tim's accusations against me and other Prabhupadanugas for him to prove, but Peter did not even bother to present any of them to Tim as he said he would. I thought this was the whole purpose of the 'video conference'. Not just ANOTHER platform for Tim to spread his malicious LIES, and for Peter to AGREE with him!>

Tim LIE: "Mukunda does not want original books"

<Such a blatant lie. Mukunda was the first 'ritvik' to re-print & distribute Prabhupada's original books, financed by his own money! He is still selling these on his online store:> http://www.gokula-incense.co.uk/wholesale-books-77-c.asp

Tim LIE: "I'm saying Prabhupada is being poisoned and Mukunda is saying i'm a liar"

<Mukunda has been exposing the 'poison-issue' since the start:> http://www.prabhupada.org.uk/sp_poisoned/sp_poisoned.htm

Tim LIE: "They wanted Tamal to live"

<"They" again!. Well I was happy to hear of Tamal's death. As were Mukunda & Sanat. Tamal was one of Prabhupada's poisoners (along with Jayapataka, Bhavananda & others).>

Tim LIE: "They are working with Bhakta Das"
Tim LIE :"Bhakta Das is Prahlad's right-hand man, etc."

<Simply not true. See http://padaproblems.blogspot.in/2014/01/bhakta-dasa-missing-link.html>

Tim LIE: "They attack and go after my family, children, etc."

<This is not true either. Another new LIE. I am getting sickened by all these lies, so I will end here.>

Peter: "I still think a lot of things are misunderstandings"

<There are ONLY lies and deliberate mis-understandings from Tim, as always.>

Peter: "I would encourage you to make more YouTube videos." !?

<More videos = more lies>

So, Peter has (no doubt, unintentionally?) done very nice seva for Tim's 'Anti-Prabhupadanuga' program of lies by making this video with him. I don't understand why he didn't ask Tim ANY of my questions.

Never mind, at least Tim admits that he regularly sends the "FBI, Police, Media" etc. to harrass and disrupt the preaching of other Prabhupadanuga's such as Sanat & Mukunda.

~ Prahlad Das ~


Bhakta Peter: "OK i will have a skype conference with Tim lee tomorrow. If anybody has any questions type them here."

Prahlad Das: Here are my questions for Tim Lee:

Q1: Why do you have me, Janardan & others blocked on FB for months? We could have discussed here any time.

<We have actually discussed on FB in the past with Tim & his side-kick William Acbsp but he deletes all his comments when his lies and ranting start to become too obvious. I & others have also posted comments on his blog articles MANY times. He did not publish ANY of them so I gave up. Though he does often comment on his own articles pretending to be another person!>

Q2: Please provide these "child-chopping" letters that you are obsessed about.

Q3: Why has he been BLATANTLY LYING about me and other Prabhupadanugas again & again, year after year on his blog, FB, etc.?

<No more questions for now because I know he will just LIE about the first three (and everything else!) anyway.>


Below are 20 accusations that Tim Lee has published on his blog (http://krishna1008.blogspot.co.uk/) just over the last few months. Can he provide any kind of evidence for these accusations???

1: "Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad were promoting the worship of Satan as if it were the worship of Jesus".

2: "The only people who have been crying like lost little babies since 2002 over Tamal's departure are his top disciples and / or supporters like Sanat -- Prahlad -- Mukunda -- Janardan."

3: "The Prahlad team reports to us on a regular basis their being upset with Krishna for being such a violent person who killed their lord and master Tamal, because they miss licking the bottom of Tamal's shoes."

4: "Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Pancali / Nicklaus Evans want women to be beaten."

5: "Prahlad wants to take down the Prabhupadanugas, he is a GBC mole. What else?"

6: "Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad/ support Gaudiya Matha deviant acharyas program."

7: "Prahlad's real agenda is all along, he wants to have the Vaishnavas who do not worship homosexual pedophile guru programs assassinated!"

8: "On their web site the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Janardana / Bhakta das team attacks us profusely for our program of cutting off the supply line of children going to the ISKCON Auschwitz / molestation program."

9: "Prahlad is angry because we exposed the child molesting pooja and guru poisoning program, so he wants to have us killed (aka Monkey On A Stick) to punish us for exposing his REAL agenda."

10: "In fact some of the leaders of this child molester protecting and promoting group such as Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / Pancali had a web site that said these children needed to be killed, chopped up and fed to dogs."

11: "Why is Prahlad kissing the ground where the defenders of the molester messiahs program walk, ok like Bhakta das? Why is Prahlad always kissing the jackboots of the molester messiah program supporters? Now we know why, because he wants to have the devotees of Srila Prabhupada killed so the molester pooja agenda will prevail."

12: "Sanat and Mukunda are totally upset that some children even lived. These children are in part their victims, since they were supporters of the bogus gurus when all this was going on."

13: "Sanat and Mukunda wanted the molesting to CONTINUE!"

14: "Prahlad actually supports the people who said we need to chop up these children, so he wants to dish out even worse karma to the victims of his program."

15: "Prahlad is now licking the jack boots of Bhakta and Radhanath, he is licking the jack boots of the leaders of the molester messiahs program."

16: "Bhakta das has also expressed his support for Radhanath, and now the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahald / Pancali team are glorifying the Bhakta das program."

17:"Bhakta das is now being forwarded as a great speaker and authority not only by the GBC's guru groupies program, but also by the Prahlad / Sanat / Mukunda / Pancali team."

18: "They love the supporters of the child molester pooja program like Bhakta das, and they despise anyone who does not lick the boots of the pedophile messiahs program cheer leaders as their program is doing."

19: "The Prahlad group attacks even children never mind others. And some of the children Prahlad attacked had to leave FB and close their page, because Prahald's campaign against these children was making them physically sick. He wants to drive out the people who want to glorify Prabhupada, while claiming to be a follower of Prabhupada."

20: "We have not heard anything from Prahlad so far."


  1. *RE. Sanat's so-called "child-chopping" letter.

    Tim Lee started his attacks on me just because I said that Mukunda & Sanat were not in favour of "killing children, chopping them up and feeding them to dogs", etc which has been his favourite mantra and lie for 15 years.

    I have read all these Sanat/PADA communications re the Turley lawsuit. What Sanat actually wrote to PADA was that the SCRIPTURES SAY that ANYONE who offends Krishna's pure devotee will go to hellish planets to suffer punishments such as being killed, chopped up and fed to dogs. He was referring to what would be Tim's fate for supporting the Turley lawsuit which stated that Prabhupada knew of the child-abuse since 1972 but did nothing to stop it! I & others have been asking TL for years to produce this "child-chopping" letter but he cannot. It was actually an eMail sent to Tim and this is what Sanat wrote:

    "My PADA-friend openly states that God's Representative should be hung in the village square, and all lovers and well-wishers and friends of His Divine Grace should stand by impotently and watch. AND WORSE,IF YOU DARE PROTEST LIKE A MAN, or like a human being would logically do, THEN THIS GUY STATES THAT YOU YOURSELF ARE TO BLAME AND ARE GUILTY OF GIVING THE GURU A BAD NAME...is it any wonder that sastra openly, unequivocally states that such persons as this lowest of humans should--if someone is strong enough to do it [i.e.. a ksatriya prince]-- should have their tongues cut out on the spot, and THEN THEY SHOULD BE DROPPED ON UPRAISED SWORDS............PUBLICLY! and, finally, fed to dogs..."

    Sanat was understandably very angry with Tim Lee and the lawsuit supporters for naming & implicating Srila Prabhupada in the abuse, while the actual abusers were, and still are, roaming free in and around ISKCON!

  2. I sent all of the above to TL's blog. He did not publish or answer half of what I wrote though (inc. the actual Sanat letter in full). All his lies are getting him confused judging by this latest garbage. At least he actually published some of what I wrote. This is a first for TL.

    krishna1008 January 14, 2014 at 6:45 AM

    Prahlad: Sanat's so-called "child-chopping" letter. Tim Lee started his attacks on me just because I said that Mukunda & Sanat were not in favour of "killing children, chopping them up and feeding them to dogs", etc which has been his favourite mantra and lie for 15 years. I have read all these Sanat/PADA communications re the Turley lawsuit. What Sanat actually wrote to PADA was that the SCRIPTURES SAY that ANYONE who offends Krishna's pure devotee will go to hellish planets to suffer punishments such as being killed, chopped up and fed to dogs.

    [PADA: That is not what Sanat said. They said they want to see a bloodbath in Dallas of the ISKCON children. who should be killed, chopped up and fed to dogs. Srila Prabhupada said if the children are not treated right they will revolt, he never said we should orchestrate chopping his children up if they do revolt?

    I have asked for a quote where he said his children should be chopped up, there is none, nor are you providing any now. It does not exist. What he wanted is that we to at the very least, keep these children alive. As soon as I said the children need to be alive, you folks attacked me and you said you wanted them to die, and then be chopped up.

    You have not shown any quote where he says he wants his children to be chopped up in Dallas if they revolt, which is the issue we protested. The Catholic Church gets into all kinds of trouble for the same reason, they say their molesting victims are going to hell. OK what about Sanat and Mukunda, where are they going for supporting that regime? If people are going to be chopped up for supporting a child molesting guru cult, these people are first in the line. Instead of repenting, they are saying the victims have to die and they get off scott free. No, they are hand maiden help-mate orchestrators of this regime, and they are responsible in part for all this, they need to repent way before their victims do.

    Sorry, way before the molested Catholic church victims go to hell, the people who orchestrated and supported the regime go to hell WAY before the victims. Sanat's wife was a gurukuli teacher and she told me all the kids in her school were molested, and she and Sanat never reported any of that to the police. I did not see where they reported that to anyone? So the people who orchestrated and covered up for all this are going to be chopped up way before their victims, assuming that that is the punishment.]

  3. CONT:

    Prahlad: He was referring to what would be Tim's fate for supporting the Turley lawsuit which stated that Prabhupada knew of the child-abuse since 1972 but did nothing to stop it!]

    [PADA: Not true, they said that the children are blasphemers and there should be a blood bath in Dallas, I was not even in Dallas, they were not talking about me at all, a blood bath in Dallas refers to all these children.]

    Prahlad: I & others have been asking TL for years to produce this "child-chopping" letter but he cannot. It was actually an eMail sent to Tim and this is what Sanat wrote: "My PADA-friend openly states that God's Representative should be hung in the village square, and all lovers .

    [PADA: OK except that I can produce people from that era who do remember the letter, and my publishing the letter, and that the letter was talking about the children and the need to have them chopped up. And that is why Sanat avoids festivals now, he infuriated the kulis by saying he wants to have them chopped up. You have provided zero proof that this letter was not posted, and not one single credible person from that era who has testified differently, nor can you. I can provide eye witnesses who do recall the letter. You also said I did not protest, no, you cut me off from negotiating changes? And this case never even went to court, the GBC pleaded not guilty and none of this was even in trial? The case ended with suicides going down, and you resent that because that stopped your plan to have them die. Tamal also died as a result, and that angers you as well, so the children lived and Tamal died, and you do not like that, and neither does your Lord and master Tamal, you are his main boot lickers all along. Whatever Tamal wants, that is exactly what you want. And you said he is Satan, that makes you his prime disciple. And now you are promoting Bhakta das, another GBC guru boot licker. You need to get away from their agenda and join ours. ys pd]

  4. Janardana Das: "We are dealing with a personality that is unrepentant and entierly insincere. In as so much, that when he offended srila prabhupada with his gopi bhava club...prabhupada personally called him "insincere"...and tim lee just walked out of the movement...no apology to prabhupada whatsoever..no repentance... So perhaps this quarrel that he is instigating is his way of "getting back at prabhupada"...for calling him out...calling him insincere... To divide the real prabhupadanugas is tims kali sanga...tim lee was completely offended that prabhupada was upset with him and took it as a personal attack...(because tim lee can do no wrong in his own narcissistic mind) so today when a devotee disagrees with him...he takes it as a personal attack and begins his smear campaign. Just as he did with prabhupada...which is evident in the turley lawsuit...and is evident in his attitude towards those who sincerely love prabhupada.."

  5. krishna1008 January 14, 2014 at 6:56 AM

    [As for making up lies, you folks make up lies to attack the children of your opponents and post those lies on your sites, because you are children attackers who want to make children cry and suffer. You want to see children crucified by making up lies about them. I do not need any proof that you do that, I can produce children who could LEGALLY testify that your program attacks children with lies, like a pack of vicious dogs. You are children bullies, and that is what ALL of these children reported to me, that there is a group of children bullies here. I helped protect children from you children bullies, and that is the real reason you bullies are so upset.. But you are correct about one thing, your folks are hanging Krishna's name in a public square by saying He wants His children to be chopped up. You are worse than the Taliban. ys pd]

  6. So, Tim has only posted & responded to about 10% of what I submitted to his blog (with the same, now proven lies). He completely ignored all my comments about the video, and all my questions, and the list of 20 of his accusations to prove. He is now resorting to his 'carpet-bombing' technique to overwhelm his perceived 'enemies' with a continuous barrage of accusations & outright lies. Here is his latest paranoid delusory rant where he seems to be having a dialogue with an imaginary 'prabhu' about (another) imaginary 'letter'. He is still talking about "they" and "them", but exactly who are "they" and "them?

    krishna1008 January 14, 2014 at 6:11 PM

    [Thanks prabhu, Yes thanks for sending me their new letter. Good, now they are finally admitting I was right all along, they DID say they wanted children to be killed and chopped up. This is great, they are finally admitting that we did not lie, that they have been / still are saying that the "offenders" ok the children, should be killed, chopped up and fed to dogs. So, when the children were dying, they came out and started talking about killing, chopping, and feeding to dogs, chopping out tongues etc. to stomp on the victims and make them more morose, so they would become more hopeless. They now confirm they did that and they admit in the letter they sent you. At the same time, this proves that they wanted the suicides to get worse and continue, which is a slow speed blood bath. They wanted a blood bath of the children, and now they are fully admitting, so that means they agree, we did not lie at all. I think this is getting good, we are finally seeing the language they have used all along on their own cult's children victims. I said, at the time, some children are feeling suicidal, and they came out talking about how these children are offenders who need chopping, cutting out tongues etc., this is exactly what I have been saying, and now they are admitting that is how they talk to the victims of their own cult. They have now confirmed my version, this was not a lie, they said that then and still say that. Great progress, yes I do not have to produce their past comments, they are NOW saying that they wanted to kill and chop up the victims of their own child molester cult which they promoted and supported -- all along. They finally fully admit, I was right when I said this is how they have treated the victims of their own handiwork. Excellent! ys pd]

  7. Tim LIE: "Sanat was worshipping Satsvarupa" (at the time of the lawsuit 1997-2000).

    Prahlad Das: As far as I know, Sanat was initiated by Satsvarupa in the 1980's, but I know he totally rejected, and strongly exposed him after he seen Prabhupada's July 9th 'ritvik' order letter, etc. in the late 1980's. There is video of Sanat burning Satsvarupa's 'Prabhupada-Lilamrita' online.

    krishna1008 January 14, 2014 at 7:20 PM
    [Sanat wrote a huge paper on his life with Satsvarupa "The Gita Nagari Expose," but now Prahlad says that Sanat lied, he was never with SDG? Are these people smoking something? Sanat claims he was with SDG, Prahlad says that is a lie, apparently, these people never even bother to check out each other's stories?.. Yes, they are now saying we should be big men like them, and cry like little babies that PADA got their hero Tamal removed from ISKCON. Amazing! ys pd]

    Here is a link to Sanat's 'Gita Nagari Expose'. You will see that it was NOT "a paper on his life with Satsvarupa" as Tim says/lies. It was an expose of the neglect and abuse of cows at Gita Nagari under Satsvarupa's watch! http://www.prabhupada.org.uk/sanat/farm.htm

  8. krishna1008 January 15, 2014 at 6:17 AM
    [Yes, Prahlad knows very well I am still working with people who are still pursuing the poison issue with government authorities, he wants to "shut us down" so he can save the group of people who assassinated Srila Prabhupada with poison. He is their biggest defender and thus always thinks of ways he can save this group of assassins of pure devotees. You got it. He is their main defender / advocate. Why does Prahlad love the people who assassinate pure devotees, so much so, he says every single day of his life, he wants to "shut down" their being exposed? Kissing the jack boots of Pontius Pilate by "shutting down" the people who oppose Pontius Pilate, that is not going to win you much favor with Krishna, thats for sure! ys pd]

    Tim still says that I am trying to cover up the poison issue even though he has seen my 'Poison Tape' transcript & audio webpage here. But, he just can't stop lying!: http://www.prabhupada.org.uk/paul/prabhupada_poisoned.htm
