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Here is a "conversation" I had on FaceBook with Tim Lee before he blocked me. As on previous occasions, he deleted all his comments soon after posting, but I saved them.
Tim Lee: I am making an official apology to my God brothers here: http://krishna1008.blogspot.com/2013/07/pada-progress-report-and-dr-j-stilson.html
Prahlad Das: ?! There are no apologies to anyone there, just your usual re-writing of history to mythologise yourself as a big hero. And Tim, I am still waiting for proof of the numerous, malicious lies you wrote about me & other Prabhupadanugas in many recent articles on your krishna1008 blog. So, is there any proof for all these accusations?
Tim Lee: As the police tell me all the time, you people did not help me, and so I was fighting these gurus and could have been killed at any time, so basically, you want me to apologize for being alive. OK, I hereby apologize for being alive. ys pd.
Prahlad Das: So, where is the proof of all your nasty allegations? Among many other things, you accuse me of being an accessory after the fact to child-abuse & murder, etc. You need to have evidence for such extreme allegations?
Tim Lee: These are not allegation, I was the target of assassinations, I was recently interviewed on TV because they wanted to have the person who was that target on TV, the GBC demonized me and so are you, that is what I had to tell them, you people all demonized me to get me killed and you still are. No allegation at all, I have friends at the police who tell me the same thing, they wanted you dead.
Prahlad Das: Perhaps you could also respond to Bhakta Peter's opening post as it is mainly referring to you.
Tim Lee: The police say your writing and GBC writing are identical, same exact writing. Same exact demonizing, knowing that can get me killed. Same.
Prahlad Das: Here we go again.... just repeating the same nonsense over & over.
Tim Lee: Yes, if I show the police your writing or GBC writing against me, they say, this is the same writing. The police tell me you are the same. Police do not think having people killed is nonsense, thats why I have to go to them and not you. Police know that this writing of yours and GBC gets people killed, and they do not think killing is nonsense, they have some idea this is wrong.
Prahlad Das: You have also still not responded to the letter SrilaPrabhupada Siddhanta wrote to you recently. I can only presume that your silence and non-response means that you agree with the contents of it.
Tim Lee: And that is why I had to get help from the police the whole time and I still do visit them regularly, they look at GBC writing, they look at your writing, they say, its the same writing, they are not nonsense, they understand how you people get others killed. You are demonizing me to get me killed, yes I understand that clearly. And you people have been doing that all along since 1977.
Prahlad Das: Do you want to respond to SrilaPrabhupada Siddhanta's message here?
To Puranjan,
How I see the headlines ji, is you indeed support the allegations that Srila Prabhupada knew of the child abuse within the gurukula. The hypocrisy that comes from you is as plain as the nose on my face. Your ex wife has mentioned how you neglected your own children severely... Severe neglect, emotional abuse and even lack of nourishment was the exact words she used. I recently saw some very disturbing photos of your daughter and if those photos are a reflection of you being a good father, then bro, im lost for words. She looked haunted and void of anything spiritual... I know she is a good girl now and a lovely devotee so this isnt a dig @ her, just an observation of the photos that I saw. Out of respect for her I wont post them for everyone to see, however I feel inclined too as if we follow in your footsteps you wouldnt hesitate would you bro...
All I have to say to you ji, is snap out of it. What the hell is wrong with you. Have you seeked psychological help for your mental issues yet? Have you apologized and made amends with that young girl that you sexually assaulted. Were you charged or was this too an out of court settlement?... Have you stopped selling the flesh of our mother, are you still in that relationship with that dead beat drop kick prostitute you picked up off the street after paying her for sexual favors? Do you still drink the port The last drink u had was just over 3 months ago if I remember rightly... Give up all your anarthas ji and get real. Jiva jago jiva jago, wake up sleeping soul and stop sleeping in the lap of the witch named maya. Chant Hare Krsna, get out on the street and distribute Prabhupadas books with a humble heart and peaceful mind and stop bullshitting all over the place.
(from SrilaPrabhupada Siddhanta)
(from SrilaPrabhupada Siddhanta)
Tim Lee: And the police understand that too. Thanks goodness, and so they have arrested people. Like I said, demonizing me, exactly what the police said. to get me killed, same things you are saying are what the GBC goondas are saying, you are the same. You are quoting what the GBC goondas are saying, yes, you are with them.
Prahlad Das: You have been demonizing me and others for years with your malicious LIES, can we not now show the unpalatable TRUTH about you?
Tim Lee: I could be killed, and I have to apologize, even police said, they want you to apologize for being alive. OK so you are saying I am a demon, and that is how you got people killed all along. Police agree. Your writing and the GBC writing is same, police agree. You are with them, police agree.
Prahlad Das: You are a very sick and crazy foolish person.
Tim Lee: Anyway, that is what the GHBC said when I said there is a molesting problem, that means you helped the molesting by demonizing me.
Tim Lee: I said there is molesting, you said this is a crazy man, that makes you the assistant of the molesting.
Prahlad Das: "Sociopaths are masters at weaving elaborate fictional explanations to justify their actions. When caught red-handed, they respond with anger and threats, then weave new fabrications to explain away whatever they were caught doing."
Tim Lee: You said my complaints are crazy, you helped the molesting by doing that.
Prahlad Das: "Sociopaths are masters are presenting themselves as heroes with high morals and philosophy, yet underneath it they are the true criminal minds in society who steal, undermine, deceive, and often incite emotional chaos among entire communities. They are masters at turning one group of people against another group while proclaiming themselves to be the one true savior. Wherever they go, they create strife, argument and hatred, yet they utterly fail to see their own role in creating it. They are delusional at so many levels that their brains defy logical reasoning. You cannot reason with a sociopath. Attempting to do so only wastes your time and annoys the sociopath."
Tim Lee: You said my complaints about the molesting are sociopath, yes, that is how you aided the molesting.
Prahlad Das: "Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time."
Tim Lee: Yes complaining about molesting is sociopath, got it.
Prahlad Das: "Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity."
Tim Lee: Molesting is absurdity?
Prahlad Das: "Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack."
Tim Lee: OK so complaining about child molesting is sociopathic? Got it.
Prahlad Das: "Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!"
Tim Lee: That is how you people made the molesting go on, we caught you red handed.
Prahlad Das: "One simple method for dispelling sociopathic delusion is to start fact checking their claims. Do any of their claims actually check out? If you start digging, you will usually find a pattern of frequent inconsistencies. Confront the suspected sociopath with an inconsistency and see what happens: Most sociopaths will become angry or aggressive when their integrity is questioned, whereas a sane person would simply be happy to help clear up any misinformation or misunderstanding."
Tim Lee: Sorry, the molesting happened, and your pals Sanat and Mukunda were suppoting that regime at the time.
Prahlad Das: "One of the easiest signs to spot is how sociopaths exaggerate things to an irrational absurdity. In the sociopath's world, every explanation is more intense and more heroic-sounding than the way it really went down."
Tim Lee: Anyway, I have to go now, but I got it, you are saying that the molesting was all delusional foolishness, you are still covering up for these crimes.
Prahlad Das: "Every story the sociopath weaves, often on the spur of the moment, is impossible to either confirm or deny. No one can prove him wrong, since they weren't there, so he can spin whatever details into the story he wants. How can anyone disprove such claims? They can't. So the sociopaths relies on these un-provable, unsubstantiated claims to build up a false aura of authority, spirituality or knowledge. This creeps up on followers like a serpent, slithering into their brains and taking hold of their belief systems before they realize what has happened."
Tim Lee: The child molesting occured, sorry to have to tell you that. Anyway what can I say, now you are saying 2,000 children getting molested never occured, that means you are a defender of the molesters.
Prahlad Das: "That's how sociopaths operate. As they're speaking, they capture your imagination and sound reasonable, even authoritative. But in the clear light of day, what they are actually saying is absurd... even dangerous. But no matter what fictions are presented by the sociopath, they always present him in the light of a hero -- sometimes even a saint -- who sacrifices his life for the good of others. When he is exposed by truth-tellers, he merely accuses the truth-tellers of being secret undercover agents <or, in Tim's case, defenders of the molesters>."
Tim Lee: Yes, I said children are getting molested, you said that is absurd, you helped the molesters.
Prahlad Das:
These people are mentally ill and extremely dangerous! The following precautions will help to protect you from the destructive acts of which they are capable.
(1) They are habitual liars. They seem incapable of either knowing or telling the truth about anything.
(2) They are egotistical to the point of narcissism. They really believe they are set apart from the rest of humanity by some special grace.
(3) They scapegoat; they are incapable of either having the insight or willingness to accept responsibility for anything they do. Whatever the problem, it is always someone else's fault.
(4) They are remorselessly vindictive when thwarted or exposed.
(5) Genuine religious, moral, or other values play no part in their lives. They have no empathy for others and are capable of violence. Under older psychological terminology, they fall into the category of psychopath or sociopath, but unlike the typical psychopath, their behavior is masked by a superficial social facade.
Tim Lee: Anyway this is great, you are confirming that you are supporting the molesters, I said there is molesting, you folks said that is all psychopathic lies, so you covered for the molesters and you still are.
Prahlad Das: ROFL! Nobody here is denying the molesting or supporting & covering-up for the molesters and you know it! In fact it is YOU who is covering up for the molesters by blaming Prabhupada for the abuse in the Turley Lawsuit!
So, there we have Tim Lee / Puranjana Dasa. Considered by many as a senior Prabhupadanuga and Krishna bhakta. When in fact, he is the main reason why many devotees think that the Prabhupadanuga 'ritviks' are crazy, envious, offensive, hateful, liars, etc. Why do people even consider him to be a devotee at all? He is obviously insane, vindictive and a pathological liar. As for his sadhana & seva are concerned.. well, it must be very difficult for him to find time to do any as he is too busy spreading his poisonous anti-Prabhupadanuga nonsense all over the internet day after day, year after year. And as for his offline activities.. well, from various things I have read/seen/heard they appear to be closer to those of a sociopathic, Satanist pervert than those of a humble Vaisnava devotee.
Janardana Das: "PADA is losing whatever insignificant support he had, by the day. Tim Lee has an extremely offensive nature about him that dwarves any amount of "service" he has done or is doing for Srila Prabhupada, in which he constantly over exaggerates and fabricates anyway. He will not directly talk with prahlad das, myself or anybody else for that matter that has exposed him and his insanity.. Previously when he DID directly speak with us he would be caught constantly deleting his own words and threads as it made him look like a bumbling twat.. Tim Lee has also been caught creating new identities to promote his website and agendas. He would most certainly be considered a narcissist with borderline multiple personality disorder by any professional psychotherapist."
ReplyDeleteSwarup Hebel: "When Puranjana declared war on me and spent a week focusing on what a horrible demon I am (for not fully agreeing with everything he believes to be absolutely true and also for suggesting that he was being less than truthful in many instances)... I sent a link to his MySpace to a friend who teaches psychology at UCLA and asked him what he thought. After reading Lee's rants he got back to me with a response. He said that it was very apparent that the guy was a pathological liar, a paranoid sociopath, a narcissist and suffered from a severe case of arrested development (i.e. had the emotional maturity of a twelve year old angry boy). To say the least he has an exaggerated sense of his own intelligence and importance and the fact that he has somehow acquired admirers and followers only serves to fan the fires of his increasingly irrational, vocal (and annoying) personality and behaviour."
'Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behaviour nor truth is found in them.' (Bg.16.7)
ReplyDeleteJanardana Das: "Oh my GOD. Prahlad prabhu, you nailed it on the head. Tim lee is 100% without a shadow of a doubt sociopathic.. narcissistic.. dellusional.. and extremely paranoid. Your coversation that HE deleted his comments to completely captures the essense in which IS tim lee....it would do everybody good who onced supported this lunatic to back away immediatley as it is now obvious without ANY doubt this guy is out to lunch.... Wow that conversation was hard to read, the truth can be a very painful and awkward thing sometimes...but must be spoken and presented for the benefit of everybody.. Hare krsna."
ReplyDeletePancali Devi Dasi Acbsp: "So I see that Tim attempted to explain why he has used certain tactics to reveal Prabhupadas final order. I accept that part, yet he still fails to apologize for his lies and malicious verbal attack on Prahlad das Prabhu and many others, or explain why he feels he needs to lie.. Nor has he explained why he supports the idea that in 1972 Prabhupada knew of the abuse at the gurukula. He is still incapable of seeing anything reasonably. His mind is out of control and that is obvious by his above rants and illogical accusations of Prahlad Prabhu."
ReplyDeleteI learned years ago that it's best not to allow yourself to get sucked into the vortex of Lee's insanity. The more you try to reason with him the more unreasonable he becomes. And unless you express your agreement, support and admiration for him you will quickly find yourself being accused of chopping up babies and molesting children. How anyone can take him seriously is beyond me. The guy has taken passive aggressive behavior to new levels and has made playing the victim card into an art form.
ReplyDeleteJuly 29 2014 post above Tim Lee is this you writing anonymously?
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure it is Tim Lee writing. He's so dumb that he thinks he can just make some over the top spelling mistakes to appear to be someone else. What a loser.