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Obamasura meets Fraudanath? Rakshasa meets Kali-chela? Kamsa meets Putana? |
kvacit kāla-viṣa-mita-rāja-kula-rakṣasāpahṛta-priyatama-
dhanāsuḥ pramṛtaka iva vigata-jīva-lakṣaṇa āste
dhanāsuḥ pramṛtaka iva vigata-jīva-lakṣaṇa āste
Government men are always like carnivorous demons called Rāksasas [man-eaters]. Sometimes these government men turn against the conditioned soul and take away all his accumulated wealth. Being bereft of his life’s reserved wealth, the conditioned soul loses all enthusiasm. Indeed, it is as though he loses his life.
PURPORT by Srila Prabhupada:
The words rāja-kula-raksasā are very significant. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam was compiled about five thousand years ago, yet government men are referred to as Rāksasas, or carnivorous demons. If government men are opposed to a person, that person will be bereft of all his riches, which he has accumulated with great care over a long period of time. Actually no one wants to pay income taxes—even government men themselves try to avoid these taxes—but at unfavorable times income taxes are exacted forcibly, and the taxpayers become very morose.
PURPORT by Srila Prabhupada:
The words rāja-kula-raksasā are very significant. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam was compiled about five thousand years ago, yet government men are referred to as Rāksasas, or carnivorous demons. If government men are opposed to a person, that person will be bereft of all his riches, which he has accumulated with great care over a long period of time. Actually no one wants to pay income taxes—even government men themselves try to avoid these taxes—but at unfavorable times income taxes are exacted forcibly, and the taxpayers become very morose.
Raksasas are understood to be accustomed to eating their own sons, as snakes and many other animals sometimes do. At the present moment in Kali-yuga, Raksasa fathers and mothers are killing their own children in the womb, and some are even eating the fetus with great relish. Thus the so-called civilization is gradually advancing by producing Raksasas. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 10:4:15 purport)
One can go to many ghostly planets and become a Yaksa, Raksa or Pisaca. Pisaca worship is called "black arts" or "black magic". There are many men who practice this black art, and they think that it is spiritualism, but such activities are completely materialistic. (Bhagavad-gita 9:25 purport)
The demon Yaksas are by nature very heinous, and by their demoniac power of illusion they can create many strange phenomena to frighten one who is less intelligent. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4:10:28)
One can go to many ghostly planets and become a Yaksa, Raksa or Pisaca. Pisaca worship is called "black arts" or "black magic". There are many men who practice this black art, and they think that it is spiritualism, but such activities are completely materialistic. (Bhagavad-gita 9:25 purport)
The demon Yaksas are by nature very heinous, and by their demoniac power of illusion they can create many strange phenomena to frighten one who is less intelligent. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4:10:28)
Just become a little gentle and submissive, and hear these messages from Krsna. Tanu. Tanu means your body, and vak means your words, and mana means mind. Just try to adjust your mind, your body, your words, and hear the Srimad-Bhagavad-gita which is spoken by the Supreme Lord, and put your arguments, put your reason, whatever you have got. Don’t accept it blindly. And think over it, and then you’ll see what is the result.
The Lord says, the raksasam asurah caiva, those who are raksasas... Raksasa means almost man-eaters. Raksasa are called man-eaters, more than tigers. They, for their self-satisfaction, they can eat, even, their own sons. You see? They are called raksasas. No shame. “My sense gratification should be satisfied. Never mind. You go to hell.” So this is the age. So we, we create a machine that everyone comes and becomes smashed in that machine, and my sense satisfaction is there. Although I’ll never be happy by that sense satisfaction. This is going on. You can know this world is now managed by the raksasas. Raksasa. They don’t mind what is happening. They are prepared to sacrifice everything for fulfilling their whimsical nonsense. They are called raksasa. Why they are? Now, they are very much enamored by this material beauty. Not beauty. The material civilization. So they cannot. They cannot understand. It is very difficult for them. They cannot understand. And they’ll never try to understand because they are raksasas. (Lecture NY 1966)
When a Vaiṣṇava king like Dhruva Mahārāja is the head of the government of the entire world, the world is so happy that it is not possible to imagine or describe. Even now, if people would all become Kṛṣṇa conscious, the democratic government of the present day would be exactly like the kingdom of heaven. If all people became Kṛṣṇa conscious they would vote for persons of the category of Dhruva Mahārāja. If the post of chief executive were occupied by such a Vaiṣṇava, all the problems of satanic government would be solved. The youthful generation of the present day is very enthusiastic in trying to overthrow the government in different parts of the world. But unless people are Kṛṣṇa conscious like Dhruva Mahārāja, there will be no appreciable changes in government because people who hanker to attain political position by hook or by crook cannot think of the welfare of the people. They are only busy to keep their position of prestige and monetary gain. They have very little time to think of the welfare of the citizens. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 4.9.66 purport)
"So there was a whole big splash of political ideology going around ISKCON (74/75). There was a book about a conspiracy from The John Birch Society that made a big hit. And Prabhupada had confirmed that yes, it's a fact, there are conspiracies and the whole material society is being manipulated by a handful of vested interest groups, demons, raksasas, who take birth on this planet just to control and manipulate." (Ramesvara Interview - page 58)
"I joined ISKCON in 1971. I know this movement.. I noticed the erosion of ISKCON about a year after the departure of Srila Prabhupada. The leaders of ISKCON are deemed as criminals by many. Srila Prabhupada once made a statement in the early seventies; many of you are here in the garbs of a devotee, but you are here to destroy - demons from the lower planetary system have taken birth on this planet just to destroy this movement. We were all bewildered by this statement of Srila Prabhupada - We wondered who were these people? Well, now we know." (Jivadhara Dasa ACBSP. New York USA - BTP Issue 42)
Narada-kunda Dasi: "What's also interesting is that infiltrators posing as devotees are making every effort to suppress this knowledge, now that we are starting to wake up. They are going so far as to claim that exposing conspiracies is an act against prabhupada and in favor of the illuminati.. Laughable."
ReplyDelete'Is Srila Prabhupada A Disciple of the Illumi--nutty?' by Tim Lee (PADA/krishna1008)
ReplyDelete[Thanks prabhu, Prahlad's links? Oh oh, he just sent me all sorts of links to Mukunda's "Illuminati" site, and there we find links such as "Srila Prabhupada predicted Serpentine leaders (The Lizard People) and 911." And if you go to the "conspiracy and Illuminati" sites they link to, you will find various anti-semite programs, "Lizard people from the Draco constellation are running the world" (and ISKCON) etc. etc. etc. And in sum they make it sound like Srila Prabhupada endorsed all these David Icke, Alex Jones etc. people, that Srila Prabhupda followed these Illuminati people, and he agreed with and spoke their ideas. The lizard people is - Srila Prabhupada's idea? Nope he did not speak about them or agree with this theory.
In sum, they are painting Srila Prabhupada as a conspiracy de facto disciple of Alex Jones, David Icke and all the other folks listed on the Mukunda / Prahlad site. Prahlad just sent me links to that site a few days ago. Sorry to have to say this, because you'd think it would be self evident, but Srila Prabhupada is never speaking what these people are speaking, and he is not a disciple of these people and / or their cracker pottery ideas. Prahlad points to a problem, a one time event, but meanwhile his team are merging Srila Prabhupada with these Illuminati nut cases every day, 24/7, all the time, since the 1990s. Srila Prabhupada is not a disciple of David Icke and co., sorry to have to inform these folks!
Of course Prahlad's pals like Bhakta das have been supporting the leaders of the bogus GBC's molester messiahs program, so we should support that deviation, and criticize the very few times rock music played by the ritviks, never mind ISKCON folks play rock music, Hindu Bollywood dancing music etc. on a regular basis. Hypocrisy. ys pd]
I never even sent him any links to anything. Crazy rascal.