As soon as someone says, we need to follow the directives of Srila Prabhupada, then the GBC, Prahlad types, the Jaipur For Truth (HKC), they all say in unison "this must be stopped"! That makes them servants of the GBC, who also wants this process stopped. Why do they always want to stop the worship of the pure devotee, and attack anyone who is worshiping the pure devotee?.. Why do the Jaipur for Truth folks openly oppose making Srila Prabhupada the giver of initiations and his being the focus of the initiates, and they want to torpedo anyone doing that?.. Right, as soon as someone says Srila Prabhupada is the person we need to have faith in, then the Jaipur for Truth people say -- attack, attack, attack...
Well there is it, Vyasa pooja for Srila Prabhupada is something we need to have stopped, and the JFT folks are helping the GBC and Rocana do that... Oh heaven's no, we cannot go back to pre-1977 where Srila Prabhupada is the current acharya! That has to be stopped, and the GBC and their dedicated pals at JFT people are out to stop it... GBC and their servants at JFT are mis-directing everyone to cause confusion, as they have all along since 1978.
Janardana Das:
What is Puranjana Dasa (Tim Lee) talking about? He has zero basis, its’ 100% distortion and lies. Did he even acknowledge the fact that Hare Krishna Community devotees have been the target of attacks and harassment at all? He took HKC’s sincere complaints against Akshaya Patra devotees and the terror they have been causing and reversed them, completely flipped the actual truth of the matter to point the blame towards HKC as the instigators. You can easily read through poor Tim’s rhetoric and see his bias towards Bangalore. He is not impartial whatsoever. I would imagine he gets some sort of compensation for his propaganda666 blog, from Bangalore/Yasodanandana.
An impartial eye is crucial on this issue, unfortunately most devotees have taken shelter in Bangalore because “they are the only ones doing anything”, which is not true, they are the most well funded undoubtedly. Jaipur HKC is doing awesome preaching in the name of Prabhupada and there are also other small time temples/homes or farms that are also working sincerely towards Prabhupadas mission. Bangalore is trying to OWN the term “Prabhupadanuga” and make a central power under their control/agenda, using their GBC. This is clearly Machiavellian/demoniac tactics as Srila Prabhupada wanted every temple to be independent and locally governed/run. This is why Jaipur HKC devotees and ANY OTHER sincere devotees who want a Prabhupadanuga program apart from the control mechanisms of Bangalore are in danger and facing these aggressions. I feel this is a very important issue at this point, that for too long has gone unnoticed and unchecked.. Jiv Jago..
Prahlad Das:
Tim Lee (Puranjana/PADA/krishna1008) is #1 hypocrite as it is he who is doing all the personal attacks and mud-slinging. This is all he has done for 30+ years. He (and his little gang of bad-mannered, low-intelligence followers) are the reason why the Prabhupadanuga ‘ritviks’ are seen as offensive, fanatical, crazy, liars, etc.. His job is to defame the real Prabhupadanugas (except IB/AP Corporation) and cause fighting between them. He is paid-up cheerleader of ISKCON Bangalore and acts under the orders of Yasodanandana (IB’s ‘Western advisor’ & GBC). He likes to take the credit for the services of others, then demonises those devotees. He is seen, and promoted, by many 'ritvik' devotees who think he is some kind of leader of the Prabhupadanugas, but he is only a wolf in sheep’s clothing. They have fallen for his decades of lies and distortions. He is not even a devotee.
Now he is attacking, demonising & offending the genuine, sincere Prabhupadanugas from HKC Jaipur. He has gone too far. The worldwide Prabhupadanugas should demand that he and Madhu Pandit will stop their un-Vaisnava and low-class behaviour towards those who are sincerely trying to push on Prabhupada’s mission and strictly follow all of his instructions. They should meet for Istaghosti and resolve these issues, but so far they have only set their attack dog (Puranjana) on anybody who disagrees with them in any way. What kind of ‘devotees’ will continue to behave like this?
PADA (Tim Lee / Puranjana / krishna1008):
Right, as soon as we said (A) there was no guru appointment, (B) children are being abused, (C) books are being changed, (D) Srila Prabhupada is being poisoned etc., then the GBC and their agents like Prahlad called us "mud-slinging" -- for 30+ years. Sorry, we were and are right on all these issues.
Notice, anyone who says child abuse is bad is -- mud slinging. Anyone who says homosexual pedophiles are not messiahs is "speaking mud for 30+ years." OK, so that means Prahlad wants the deviants to be his worshiped messiahs, and no one should object? That is how these people kept the child molesting going on for such a long time, they chopped the legs off our protest by calling us mud slingers, instead of saying, wow, we have to join PADA and STOP this child abuse. Right, anyone who objects to deviants posing as messiahs is slinging mud, this is how Prahlad and his GBC got Sulochana killed, hundreds of children molested, and so on and so forth. The GBC / Prahlad group demonizes anyone who protests the molester messiahs, and this gets us people killed.
What will be the result of protecting and defending child abuse by saying anyone who protests is slinging mud? The abuse will continue, plain and simple. Prahlad thinks we should not object to child abuse, because its simply slinging mud. OK its very clear, he is defending the perverts and abusers by saying we should not criticize them. That is because, rather self evidently, he is with the perverts, he loves them so much so that he is infuriated with our exposing his favorite program. Anyone who resists child abuse is a mud slinger, ok, he is in favor of the child abusers.
If anyone who objects to homosexuals and pedophiles is slinging mud, that self-evidently means Prahlad loves the pedophiles process. This is basically what happened post -1977, anyone who was against child abuse was a mud slinging demon. And that is what not only the bogus GBC folks said, but the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad team said, our objecting to child abuse is "mud slinging." Anyone who says children need to be protected is -- slinging mud? That apparently means, they think child abuse is good and normal, because anyone who objects "slings mud," ok they seem to think child molesting is wonderful and good, and protesting child abuse is mud. That is how these thinkers protected that program all along. And now, they are proud that so many were victimized because they shot down our protest as "mud"? And got some of us killed?
Calling us names is how the GBC / Prahlad types promoted and protected the child molester program in the first place. And this is amazing, they are actually proud so many children were abused, because still think that anyone who objected to the child abuse program was slinging mud, because quite self-evidently, they love the child abuse program.
What amazes us is -- that after it has been proven that there was a big problem here, and we were right to complain about it, the defenders of the child abuse program are still angry that -- we exposed this program. In sum, they are in love with the child abuse program. Even Wyatt says, oh this is all PADA's lies. Nope, hundreds of witnesses submitted legal affadavits that we are right on this issue. We wish it was "all lies" (more folks have provided more details to us recently to verify these problems).
And so the GBC and their barking dog Prahlad are angry we exposed this abuse issue, instead of being happy that in 1997 we helped get hundreds of kids pulled out of these abusive schools, as happened after 1997 when we went after this program. Prahlad apparently wanted these hundreds of kids to stay in the schools and the status quo of the molester messiah's program to continue, because he is with them saying this is all mud slinging. Our stopping that anti-children program is simply mud, that is all Krishna's dear children are to these people, a pile of mud. Children are simply meat on a hook to be exploited for these people. Damn good thing we exposed them and objected, and got these hundreds of kids pulled out! We for sure did the right thing to save hundreds of children from the child-eating demon Prahlad's group!
Prahlad says our saving these children's lives is simply mud, he thinks children are simply mud to be crushed down to dust. Children are simply piles of mud and dirt for these people, as one of the ex-children to us "we were simply a piece of meat to be passed around." And Prahlad is with that group because he is angry we exposed this, and saved kids from his meat hooks program. Every time we say there was a child molesting problem, Prahlad is saying that is mud slinging, these children are piles of mud to be exploited, ok very obvious, he loves the child abuser program. The HKC had better write something to distance themselves from this ideology, because Prahlad is acting as their spokesman.
Some GBC goondas and their hero Prahlad say the words of the pure devotee are ALSO all mud, and we are bad for promoting all these materials. In sum, Prahlad is just like many of the GBC, he is infuriated we published these materials. Notice, for many of the bogus GBC and their supporters like Prahlad, the words of the pure devotee are "mud," and children are even worse mud, everything that is important to Srila Prabhupada (his children and his words) is all mud for these people, because it exposes their real program to exploit children and these words.
Some GBC goondas and their hero Prahlad say the words of the pure devotee are ALSO all mud, and we are bad for promoting all these materials. In sum, Prahlad is just like many of the GBC, he is infuriated we published these materials. Notice, for many of the bogus GBC and their supporters like Prahlad, the words of the pure devotee are "mud," and children are even worse mud, everything that is important to Srila Prabhupada (his children and his words) is all mud for these people, because it exposes their real program to exploit children and these words.
Thus! These people are infuriated that we are getting out the words of the pure devotee. In other words, people like Prahad love bogus appointed gurus, love child molesters. love book changers, and of course love poisoners of pure devotees, because as soon as anyone objects to these vile actions of these crooks -- the bogus sectors of the GBC and their attack dog Prahlad attack the people who object. That means they want the criminals to win, because Prahlad is joining hands with the bogus parts of the GBC to attack anyone who exposes these crimes.
This is why these crimes have been going on, because the lovers of the criminals are infuriated that we are attacking their criminal operations. The bogus parts of the GBC wanted to have us killed, and recently Prahlad said he is working with some deviant GBC goons to get us killed. In other words, anyone who publishes Srila Prabhupada's materials is distributing mud. As Sulochana used to say, people like Prahlad are boot lickers for the deviant gurus. As soon as we expose these problems, we are slinging mud, and that defends the evil doers.
Yes the bogus GBC / Prahlad das / HKC puzzle is all finally all fitting together. You got it! You are correct, the bogus GBC, Dayalu nitai, HKC, Prahlad group -- are ALL stomping their jack boots in unison, saying that we ALL have to accept the GBC's homosexual pedophile acharyas program -- because the Dayarama courts accept and endorse that program, and ruled in favor of that process. Yes, they ARE ALL saying child molester messiahs programs are authorized, if the courts approve of that program. I would not say what you are, that they have dog's turds for brains, its actually worse than that, they are deviants. Its not a question of loss of intelligence, they support deviations. Even people with "dog turds for brains" do not support pedophile messiah programs, even the most ignorant people have way more sense than this, they do not support such deviations. We have reviewed a number of letters from these Prahlad / HKC people -- and they all say they agree that the Dayarama pedophile guru's process is bona fide -- since the courts approve and support that program and its leaders.
Yes the bogus GBC / Prahlad das / HKC puzzle is all finally all fitting together. You got it! You are correct, the bogus GBC, Dayalu nitai, HKC, Prahlad group -- are ALL stomping their jack boots in unison, saying that we ALL have to accept the GBC's homosexual pedophile acharyas program -- because the Dayarama courts accept and endorse that program, and ruled in favor of that process. Yes, they ARE ALL saying child molester messiahs programs are authorized, if the courts approve of that program. I would not say what you are, that they have dog's turds for brains, its actually worse than that, they are deviants. Its not a question of loss of intelligence, they support deviations. Even people with "dog turds for brains" do not support pedophile messiah programs, even the most ignorant people have way more sense than this, they do not support such deviations. We have reviewed a number of letters from these Prahlad / HKC people -- and they all say they agree that the Dayarama pedophile guru's process is bona fide -- since the courts approve and support that program and its leaders.
Yep! They ALL agree and say that homosexual pedophile guru programs are bona fide "if the courts approve" such programs. They have lost all connection to Srila Prabhupada, or never had any in the first place. Yep, you are also correct, the same bogus GBC / HKC / Prahlad "bona fide courts" also "approve" abortion, female baby-cide, meat eating, alcohol, drugs, pornography, tossing baby chicks into meat grinders -- and only Yamaraja knows the list of what else their wonderful courts are approving. They accept as bona fide authority the courts that approve all this, and bogus GBC / HKC / Prahlad are infuriated we exposed their pedophile messiahs program because they are ALL in support of the Dayarama courts.
In sum, they ALL accept not only secular courts, but they ALL accept the authority of pedophile messiah programs if these bogus courts support such programs. Yes, they ALL agree with the courts who approve of pedophile messiahs programs, as Sulochan used to say, "birds of a feather flop together." Yes, secular authority is bogus for all the reasons stated above. Yes, these people are collectively trying to destroy the Hare Krishna religion, we agree.
Prahlad says anyone who publishes Srila Prabhupada's materials is slinging mud. Prahlad says anyone who exposes child molesters and saves hundred of children by getting them pulled out, is slinging mud. Prahlad says anyone who helps a lawsuit to get original books is slinging mud because these books are all mud. Prahlad says anyone who exposes Srila Prabhupada being poisoned is slinging mud, because he loves Judas. Thats its. HKC, you better take notice of all this.
Prahlad Das:
BUT... I'm not saying ANY of those things... NEVER have... NEVER will... Neither are any of the devotees of HKC Jaipur!
I am NOT 'GBC' or 'authority' for any group or person anywhere!
I've been a strict Vegetarian for 30+ years, so NO CHILD-EATING either!
PS - The only devotees using & accepting the authority of the "Jesus-killing", "abortion-approving" demoniac courts (and paying them millions!) are bogus GBC ISKCON and ISKCON Bangalore... And Tim himself of course, when he was happy to use the court to blame Prabhupada for the child-abuse in his & Pratyatosa's Windle-Turley lawsuit.
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Puranjana dragged to Hell by Yamadutas (Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 4) |